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Best Beauty Secrets From Pageant Contestants ~ Have YOU Tried Any Of These?

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By Brittney Grooms

Beauty pageants like the Miss America Pageant give young women the opportunity to win money to further their education, while allowing them to show off their talents and their beauty.

Without a doubt, a lot of effort, time, and money are put into these pageants. From the beautiful dresses to the wide range of talent, these young women are not only dedicated and hardworking — but also creative as well.

Never has that been more evident than in the following beauty secrets I’ve gathered from former contestants of the Miss America Pageant and other beauty pageants!

Here are some of the best beauty secrets from the pros…

How’d They Do That?

When watching beauty pageants in the past, I’ve asked myself several times questions like:

“How do they get their teeth so white?”

“I wonder how they get their swimsuits to stay put.”

“What must they pack in their carry-on bags?”

Here’s what I found when researching beauty pageant secrets.

How many of these have you tried?…

Pageant Beauty Secrets

See, beauty pageant contestants are very creative, aren’t they?

Honestly… I can think of a number of times when these tips would come in handy outside of the pageant arena.

For example, if you have a special event coming up (like a wedding, prom, or other formal affair), you might be able to alleviate some personal stress by following a couple of these tips before you leave home.

The same may be true before wearing a swimsuit in public, or if you simply want to look your best at all times — regardless of what you’re wearing or where you’re going.

After all, with these types of beauty secrets, no one would even know!…