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Best Lotion For Dry Skin: I have extremely dry skin. Looking for the best body lotion for dry skin? My review of 9 popular moisturizers for very dry skin.

Indoor tanning lotions are VERY different from typical suntan lotions for use outdoors. The best indoor tanning lotions + The pros and cons of using them.

Home remedies for dry skin

The Top 10 dry skin care natural home remedies for people with seriously dry skin. From eczema and dry, cracked bleeding skin to simple dry skin from winter's wrath... you can treat it yourself at home with these natural treatments for dry skin.

Do your legs turn to itchy sand paper the moment winter strikes? Do you have dry, scaly patches along your arms or your face? Are you dealing with the pain of chapped lips and cheeks? Here are all the best ways to deal with your dry winter skin problems.

If I stop moisturizing, the dry flaky skin starts to reappear on my nose, hands, and feet! So now exfoliate more and use body oils & body butters instead of lotions.

Read this before you combine Essential Oils with Argan Oil. Here's how to combine regular Argan Oil with Essential Oils to make your own scented Argan Oil.

I'm addicted to 100% pure Argan Oil as a daily moisturizer! It helps your skin & your hair - even your hubby's & your dog's!

Want to save a fortune on health and beauty products? If so, then add this one product to your next shopping trip: coconut oil!

Well, believe it or not, I'm a lifelong collector of tips that will make my life easier when it comes to hair, makeup, and basic skin care. Perhaps I'll start sharing my faves right here soon? Until then, we've got Beauty at website to peruse and enjoy!