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Ponytails Are In, Girls!

The other day something hit me like a ton of bricks.

It was a Saturday morning, and I was in the process of gathering my hair into a ponytail, about to don a baseball cap, when I realized: “I always wear my hair in a ponytail!”


It used to just be true “sometimes.” Then, more recently, it was “just on weekends.” But now that I got my Jeep it’s “darned near all the time.” (UPDATE: Even moreso, now that we have a motorcycle and I have to find quick & easy helmet hair styles.)

jeep-ponytail-hair-style motorcycle-ponytail-hair-style
Which got me thinking…

When did I lose all respect for myself and my “look” so much that I resorted to wearing a ponytail and baseball cap virtually round the clock?


What Hubby Thinks Of My Ponytail

So I asked Jim, “Do you mind that I usually wear my hair in a ponytail all the time now?”

To which he replied, “No… looks cute.”

Which made me wonder…

A)  Is he just saying that?…
B)  How many of our neighbors would not even recognize me without my baseball cap — because that’s all they’ve ever seen me in!

Then I got scared… Have I become that old married lady who goes to the grocery store, the gas station, and all over town without even caring about what she looks like anymore?


Why A Ponytail?

I dunno… maybe it’s because I’m pushing 40 (…and my willpower to look “hot” and “sexy” is waning).

Or, maybe it’s because all of those “upwardly mobile” thoughts about looking professional and climbing the career ladder and really being something someday have since escaped me (…and this look is definitely getting me nowhere fast).

Or, maybe it’s because I’m a cyclist at heart (…and I figure I’ve always got the ponytail ready to fit inside my bicycle helmet, should I ever re-gain the desire to hit the pavement on 2 wheels again).


Or, maybe it’s because I’ve always had a fascination with ponytails!

Then again, maybe it’s just because I’m lazy.

I don’t know why exactly it is. But it just is. It’s a fact that I go everywhere wearing my hair in a ponytail these days, and I don’t care!

Coming To Grips With My Ponytail

When it comes right down to it, a ponytail is quick. It’s easy. And, it’s flexible — taking you from playtime in the afternoon to a night on the town with ease.

Yes, ponytails can even be quite stylish (see below).

Whatever the reason, the me of today is no longer the me of yesterday — not when it comes to hairstyles at least.

So here’s a tribute to my own hilarious changes in hairstyles, with the grand finale being… the ponytail!

1984 1990 1991 1996

1998 1999 2000 2003 2005



Good News: Ponytails Are In!

Yep, these days I am quite comfortable in my ponytailed hair and baseball cap.

Hey, if Faith Hill does it, it can’t be all bad.

Then again, maybe I don’t feel bad wearing my hair in a ponytail all the time and putting on a baseball cap (the most expensive fashion accessory I own, by the way) because ponytails and baseball caps are considered “HOT”!

Spread the word. Tell all your friends. Ponytails (and their best friend: baseball caps) are “in” now!

Here’s how to fake a ponytail:


Here’s how to do a cute, messy ponytail:


Here’s how to do a fancy ponytail:


Unique Ponytail Hair Styles

As an example of just how trendy it is to wear your hair in a ponytail, check out these stylish ponytail ideas:

I’m game for trying some of these in the coming weeks. Alas, there’s hope for me and my ponytail. I’m sure to be stylin’ again in no time… and feel comfortable with my choice to (almost always) wear my hair in a ponytail.


P.S. Guys Love Ponytails!

I know a guy who only dates women whom he pre-determines would look just as “hot” wearing a baseball cap as not. (UPDATE: He finally married one too!)

Besides that, ponytails were recently rated one of the Top 7 Sexy Hairstyles:

Most guys love the look of a ponytail. It’s fresh and youthful. For a bit of extra polish, you can leave a strand of hair out to wrap around the ponytail to hide your hair band. You can also tie a ribbon around your ponytail, which always looks adorable. If you want a bit of volume in your crown, tease the top of your hair before you pull it into the ponytail.