Health & BeautySkin Care & Makeup

Olay Pro X Brush & Advanced Cleansing System Review

Olay ProX brush, exfoliating cleanser, and the Artistry microdermabrasion cloth that I love so much. photo by Lynnette at TheFunTimesGuide.comI love love love the Olay ProX Advanced Cleansing brush!

Aside from the amazing microdermabrasion cloth that I got with my Artistry Microdermabrasion Kit, I’ve never used another “tool” to exfoliate my face before.

Initially, I fell madly in love with that Artistry cloth.

But after I heard Dr. Ordon (from The Doctors TV show) rave about the Olay exfoliating brush, I just had to try it.

I’m sooo glad I did.

Olay ProX Brush Review

I like the Olay brush so much that I use it not only when I’m cleansing my face (every day) but also when I’m using a special exfoliating cream to exfoliate my face (a few times each week).

I think that’s one of the best parts: You can use the Olay ProX brush to enhance whatever cleansing or exfoliating you may be doing.

You don’t have to use Olay creams. It works with any creams or cleansers.

Plus, the brush itself is completely waterproof — so you can use it in the shower if you like.

Oh, and it’s also got 2 speeds. So, if  you’re like me and you like how this brush makes your skin look and feel so much that you want to use it every day, you can sometimes choose the slower speed to ensure that you’re not hurting your skin from using it too much. That said, my skin has never become irritated after using the Olay brush — no matter how frequently I use it or which speeds I use.

Using The Olay Brush With Exfoliating Cleansers

Even though it’s not obvious from the box itself, the Olay Pro X Advanced Cleansing brush comes with a small bottle of the Pro X Exfoliating Renewal Cleanser.

That stuff goes a long way!

I do alternate between using the Polishing Scrub that came in my Artistry microdermabrasion kit and the ProX Exfoliating Cleanser — just to mix things up a bit. But still, the little bottle of ProX cleanser is lasting me several months.

You can also get the Olay Pro X brush kit with a large bottle of the cleanser as well. Or, just buy the Olay Exfoliating Cleanser separately. (Which I’ll be doing after I use up what’s in the small bottle.)

To give you an idea of how the Olay Exfoliating Cleanser is different from other exfoliating creams and cleansers that I’ve used, I like the Pro X cleanser a lot. Mostly, I like it because it’s an effective cleanser that also has exfoliating beads in it. But the beads are much smaller than those found in most of the other exfoliating products I’ve used.

That’s good for 3 reasons:

  • You’re not tearing or scratching your skin (on a microscopic level) like you are likely to do with creams that have larger, more coarse beads in them.
  • The micro-fine beads are easier to work into your skin (and into your pores) and easier to rinse off than larger beads are.
  • My skin truly feels cleaner after using cleansers that have the finest beads in them — like the super-fine beads found in Pro X Exfoliating Renewal Cleanser.

Replacement Brush Heads

As for the coarseness or texture of the bristles on the ProX brush… I think they’re just perfect!

You can definitely feel the bristles as they’re rotating on your skin, but it’s not too much.

In fact, sometimes I wish I felt it even more. But I know that too much more would be damaging to the skin. So, in my opinion, it’s just perfect.

I like knowing that the rotating brush head is lifting dirt and grime out of my pores. Using your hands alone cannot do that.

I also like that the brush heads are replaceable. I picked up an extra set of Olay brush replacement heads when I bought the brush.

By the way, I still use the Artistry cloth (instead of a towel or washcloth) each time to completely remove all traces of cleanser or cream after using the Olay Pro X brush. (Don’t have the Artistry microdermabrasion kit? I recommend trying a very thin chamois cloth. It truly works wonders! )

My Skin Looks & Feels Better Than Ever

In the end, the Olay Pro X brush is way better than just using your hands or a washcloth to cleanse and exfoliate your skin!

The proof is in how great your skin feels. My skin feels tighter and much more cleansed and refreshed immediately after using the Olay brush.

The best part: I have really dry skin — especially around my nose. After using the Olay Pro X brush, all of the dry flaky areas of skin around my nose are gone! My skin looks more balanced and evenly toned. And, as I said, my skin feels cleaner and tighter and healthier.

I especially like using the Olay brush in the shower. (Yep, it’s completely waterproof!) I tend to use it longer than when I’m standing over the sink, and I don’t have to worry about getting too close to my hairline when I’m showering.

To top it all off, using the ProX brush seems to make post-cleansing (and post-exfoliating) moisturizers go on much more smoothly. Therefore, they’re likely to work better. I know my dry skin stays moisturized a lot longer than it used to.

I just love the way the skin on my face feels these days!

From the website:

Designed by a team of dermatologists along with Olay, the Advanced Cleansing System is as effective as a system sold by skin professionals for nearly $200. Professionally and clinically designed to cleanse 6 times better, the Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System also sets your skin up for supersonic anti-aging moisturization.

Other Olay ProX Brush Reviews

Check out all the amazing reviews of the Olay cleansing brush: