If you’re like me, when you see ladies in their teeny bikinis and their gorgeous long tanned legs, well, you become a little envious.
It’s not that my legs are bad looking. But darn it, they are definitely not what I’d call long and lean.
Since I’m barely over 5 feet tall, I’ve had to accept that maybe my legs are never going to look long, tan, and sexy.
Oh well. There are still a few things I can do to firm and tone my legs and keep them looking great.
If you want to firm & tone your legs and get sexy legs… fast, then try these tips!
#1 Do squats.
Your best bet is to do squats for 3 minutes each evening for a week. If you really want a challenge hold a heavy object while you’re doing them. This will help to exercise the muscles in your legs even more and possibly speed up your getting sexy legs faster.
This move works your butt, too! Do this for about 15 or 20 minutes each day and you’ll have sexy legs in no time. (This one is my personal favorite, as I like to walk around my neighborhood and look for slight inclines, then walk up them. We have several here locally.)
#3 Try some high intensity cardio.
What this means is you want to be jogging up stairs, or taking a 25 minutes long boxing class for example. Instead of low intensity you want fast and hard intensity. The cool thing about this is that you also get your cardio workout at the same time.
Go somewhere where there are bleachers and run up them like steps. Then, come down in a slower fashion. Do this 3 times a week and it will tone your calves wonderfully! As your legs get used to it, you can also add weight by wearing a backpack — which will build up your leg muscles even more.
#5 Do leg lifts.
This move tones and exercises your thighs. Lie down on your back, then raise your legs right up into the air. Do 3 sets of 20 leg lifts. You can increase the number as your thighs get sleeker.
#6 Jump!
That’s right, jumping will help to give you toned, sexy legs too. Start out with your feet shoulder-width apart, then bend your hips a little towards the floor. Finally, lift your arms out from the rest of your body and jump as high as you can — landing in a squat position with your arms lowered. Do this 12 times in a row.
Trying any combination of these tips should give you beautiful sexy legs in no time. Another great idea if your legs are your biggest area of concern is to use a leg machine, as seen in this list of 10 Killer Leg Exercises & Tips For Beginners. Finally, don’t forget the importance of eating a healthy diet as well — which can also play a part into having lean, beautiful legs.
More Ways To Get Sexy Legs Fast
- VIDEO: 5 Leg Exercises For Lean, Sexy Legs
- Personal Trainers Share Their Best Leg Exercises
- VIDEO: Pilates For Sexy Legs In 8 Minutes
- 3-Part Series: How To Get Sexy Legs & A Tight Butt
- VIDEO: How To Do The Stationary Lunge For Sexy Butt & Legs
- Thigh Blasters: 1 Month To Toned Legs
- VIDEO: Leg Exercises For Strong & Sexy Legs