Now you can create your own personalized compact filled with four (4) great products for your eyes, your lips and your face!
You already know how much I love the e.l.f. products (the mascara & eyeshadows especially), so I couldn’t resist sharing the fact that they have a new cool product called e.l.f. elements.
It’s a compact consisting of 4 different e.l.f. products in one.
The best part?
YOU get to choose which 4 products you want inside!
…2 eyeshadows, 1 blusher, and 1 lip color
…or 1 eyeshadow and 3 lip colors
…or 4 eyeshadows
…or 4 lip colors
…you get the idea!
These compacts are 100% customizable, based on your own needs and your own colors! (There are 25 different top-selling shades to choose from.)
It doesn’t get much cooler than that.
e.l.f. products are always just $1, and it’s no different with the e.l.f. elements compact. Each product/shade you choose costs just a buck.
Trust me when I say, ladies love this stuff!
e.l.f. is truly the best thing to hit the fashion counter in a decade. And, it’s definitely the most affordable quality cosmetic on the market today!
Check out the e.l.f. interactive site online where you can mix & match your colors and types of products for your e.l.f. elements compact.
When was the last time you had this much fun picking out makeup???
I like to help people find clever ways to do things that will save time & money — so I write about "outside the box" Beauty Tips and Beauty Hacks that most people wouldn't think of. With beauty products (like hair care, skincare, and makeup) and personal care items (like teeth issues, body odor, undergarments, and <em>other</em> topics that very few people enjoy talking about)… I share my own honest firsthand experiences that I think others would appreciate hearing about and find helpful. Especially for topics that are usually very "private" and most people don't like to talk about publicly! When I'm not trying new beauty products and organizing all my "stuff", you'll find me at the corner of Good News & Fun Times as publisher of The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites).