How to Grow Out Short Hair: Tips from a Hairstylist

I was in dire need of a new hairstyle -- after it had been pointed out to me more than once that I've always had bangs. So I decided to see what growing out short hair is like... and I documented the entire process. Here's how to grow out short hair (starting with your bangs), how long it takes to achieve a new hairstyle, how to make your hair look better during the "in between" stages, and how to cut bangs yourself. Everything you need to know before growing out bangs and going from a short hairstyle to a medium one.

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DIY Ear Piercing: How To Pierce Your Ear “Parent Trap Style” With Ice And An Apple

If you've seen the movie Parent Trap starring Lindsay Lohan, then you probably remember the ear piercing scene. When I was in college (and on a budget), that's how I pierced my ears. My best friend (a nurse) pierced my ears for me -- because I was too cheap to pay for a professional piercing. So now I have a fun story to share and a silly memory to look back on! Here's how to pierce your ear at home safely.

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