Health & BeautySkin Care & MakeupTeeth, Lips & Mouth

Not only did Martha Stewart and her staff recommend Kiehl's for their generous free sampling program -- in the March 2007 issue of Real Simple -- but they also recommend Sephora for similar reasons. Here's the scoop...

Have you requested your 3 free samples from Kiehl's yet? Here's how...

I think I know how Angelina Jolie got those huge lips! One word: lemons.

Are you colorblind? Have you ever wondered if you see colors like everyone else sees colors? Here's an online test to help you determine whether you are colorblind or not.

If you're a red head, you could become very, very famous -- after you're dead and gone -- because they say that redheads are becoming extinct!

How many containers of dental floss do YOU have lying around the house? What about Chapstick? Lip gloss? Hand lotion? Check out my collection here...

Thinking of switching out your old silver amalgam fillings for all-new white ones? I did it. And I'm paying the price. Here's what I've learned... all backed up by my own dentists.

Now you have yet another reason to try e.l.f. makeup. If you haven't already checked out the Eyes, Lips & Face cosmetics, now's the time... check out the e.l.f. elements personalized compact!

What does e.l.f. stand for? Eyes, Lips & Face... of course! Elf cosmetics is the hottest new makeup line. Here is my little attempt to 'spell out' for you exactly why I like elf makeup so much.