Best Bubble Bath Brands

Believe it or not I’m not the member of the household who likes to take baths! I mean, I used to be. But lately, I’ve switched to showers because they’re quicker — no time for baths anymore.
My hubby Jim, on the other hand, takes a long, hot bath every week or so. Mostly because of his aching muscles after softball or a hard day at work.
He’s always been a fan of the Mr. Bubble, but I think he’s going to like this new bubble bath I found…
3-in-1 is a huge 32oz bottle of bubble bath / shower gel / shampoo that only cost me $3.99 from Target!
It comes in a variety of unique food-related scents — and they truly do smell so good, you want to eat them!
I chose the LIME scent and it smells ah-mazing!
They also have Vanilla, Coconut, Freesia, Marine, or Tangerine scents.
This 3-in-1 bubble bath is definitely the bubbliest I’ve ever found.
Creatively blended with vitamins, softening ingredients and a wonderfully delicious scent to help you look and feel marvelous.

To be honest, I’m wondering if this 3-in-1 bubble bath by Delicious Brands is the generic version of the high-priced Philosophy 3-in-1 bubble bath (which sells for $16 at half the size — only 16oz).
I tried to find something out about the manufacturer — which according to the bottle is DELICIOUS BRANDS LLC out of Dallas, Texas.
I couldn’t find much besides this:
Delicious Brands, LLC has 5 options ranging from 3-in-1, which Colleen Booth, president and CEO said is perfect for commodity retailers, to Habitat, a collection of home aromatics for more upscale doors. There’s also the Booth’s brand, which is reminiscent of Kiehl’s, Bath Basics with aromatherapy components and Spalicious, a salon-inspired collection. A new collection called Mod Spa will be in Rite Aid soon.
~Beauty Inc.
No matter. I’m thrilled that I happened upon this great bargain. It is the bubbliest AND the best bubble bath I have ever used!!!
Here’s why:
- Bubbles, bubbles everywhere.
- Great, rejuvenating, fresh scent. It’s been a few hours since I used it, and I’m still smelling fresh and limey now. And, the bathroom still smells like a big Margarita! It’s an uplifting scent.
- It only takes a tiny bit. With just the smallest amount (about a Tablespoon), I got a huge tub of bubbles… and they lasted!
- Since it’s so concentrated and requires so little to actually make a tub-full of bubbles, this 32oz bottle will last us forever!
- Perfect for frugal shoppers. Though I won’t use it for anything other than the bubble bath feature, others might enjoy using it for its stated “shower gel” and “shampoo” qualities.
Here’s the chuckle factor…
On the bottle it says:

It’s a big, fat LIME in a big, fat bottle. Wall-to-wall LIME. A gigantic, storewide LIME. It’s the biggest LIME to ever hit Hollywood. A LIME of historic proportions. An all-star LIME extravaganza. The LIME of the century. Standing room only LIME. Sea-to-shining-sea LIME. A LIME to end all LIMES. One LIME to rule them all.
Calgon… Take Me Away!
Combined with some awesome-smelling candles, this LIME bubble bath went perfectly with my new BEACHY Pineapple Punch Sherbet Smoothie that I invented.

Donna’s advice (in the comments below) sent me sleuthing at other stores around town.
I spotted something very similar to my original bottle of 3-in-1 bubble bath by Delicious Brands LLC mentioned above (that I bought at Target) at our local Walmart the other day.
Walmart is selling 32oz bottles of bubble bath in similar scents — only these are made by Lander Essentials.
I got the Lavender & Chamomile scent for only $3.
Yep… it’s the same delicious scent that I was hoping for!
Lander Essentials is a premium brand of health and beauty products manufactured by LANDER, which also produces national brand equivalents. Lander Essentials products currently include: 3-in-1 bubble bath, shampoo, and body wash – Available in 32 oz sizes in scents like fresh “lavender,” “green apple,” and “juicy orange.” Hand soap – Available in 56 oz hygienic and antibacterial refills, including “clear” and “lavender.”

Okay, so here it is a few years later and I can no longer find the 3-in-1 bubble bath by Delicious Brands anywhere… at all.
And I’m completely out of bubble bath again…
I’m sad that I can no longer find the Lander Essentials brand — which was almost identical to the Delicious Brands bubble bath that was the bubbliest and smelled so good that I almost wanted to eat it.

So now I’m looking for a NEW all-time favorite bubble bath that is super bubbly and smells ahh-mazing.
Anyone have recommendations?