I’ve Finally Found The Best Dry Skin Lotion! My Review Of 9 Dry Skin Moisturizers For Extremely Dry Skin
I have extremely dry skin that needs a lot more moisturizing than most people’s skin. I’ve been on the hunt for the best body lotion for dry skin for ages. Well, I’m happy to say I’ve found it! Here’s my review of 9 moisturizers for very dry skin — 2 that I already had on hand and 7 new ones. Plus, 2 bath & body washes for dry skin.

How to Grow Out Short Hair: Tips from a Hairstylist
I was in dire need of a new hairstyle — after it had been pointed out to me more than once that I’ve always had bangs. So I decided to see what growing out short hair is like… and I documented the entire process. Here’s how to grow out short hair (starting with your bangs), how long it takes to achieve a new hairstyle, how to make your hair look better during the “in between” stages, and how to cut bangs yourself. Everything you need to know before growing out bangs and going from a short hairstyle to a medium one.