Articles Tagged:

funny stuff

Remember the ear piercing scene in Parent Trap starring Lindsay Lohan? That's how I pierced my ears! Here's how to pierce your ears safely at home.

Men... Are you -- or someone you know -- dealing with thinning hair? Bald spots? Excessive hair loss? Male patterned baldness? Well, they've found a cure for baldness... It's called acceptance! See why Jim shaved his head and loves being bald!

This is the story about a girl and her 'perky gal pals'... and dealing with something I've termed 'Aggressive Nipple Syndrome' - ANS. If you or someone you know has prominent nips, then you might find some helpful info -- or at least some funny insight -- here. Enjoy!

Ever have an embarrassing moment in public, only to realize that NONE of your friends took the time to tell you? Here's how you can tell who your REAL friends are...