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Lynnette Walczak

I like to help people find clever ways to do things that will save time & money -- so I write about "outside the box" Beauty Tips and Beauty Hacks that most people wouldn't think of. With beauty products (like hair care, skincare, and makeup) and personal care items (like teeth issues, body odor, undergarments, and <em>other</em> topics that very few people enjoy talking about)... I share my own honest firsthand experiences that I think others would appreciate hearing about and find helpful. Especially for topics that are usually very "private" and most people don't like to talk about publicly! When I'm not trying new beauty products and organizing all my "stuff", you'll find me at the corner of Good News & Fun Times as publisher of The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites).

A strange but true story about my hair accessories matching my watch bands.

When did I lose all respect for myself and my 'look' -- so much that I resorted to wearing a ponytail and baseball cap virtually around the clock? Oh yeah, ponytails are HOT!

How is it that I seem to have such good dental hygiene -- and I have a lifetime supply of dental floss to prove it -- yet my teeth keep breaking off in my mouth?! Here's a little about cracked tooth syndrome.

I've found the World's Best Dental Floss... It's made by Oral-B and it's the 'Satin' brand.

Ever have an embarrassing moment in public, only to realize that NONE of your friends took the time to tell you? Here's how you can tell who your REAL friends are...

Well, believe it or not, I'm a lifelong collector of tips that will make my life easier when it comes to hair, makeup, and basic skin care. Perhaps I'll start sharing my faves right here soon? Until then, we've got Beauty at website to peruse and enjoy!

Why I love the Neosporin lip treatment product called Neosporin LT. My other favorite is Carmex lip balm. Here are the differences between the two lip treatments.